Everything you need to know about the Builder Track.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cdfe998-fa21-4d39-937b-178a14fb0fe0/Connext-logo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cdfe998-fa21-4d39-937b-178a14fb0fe0/Connext-logo.png" width="40px" /> TL;DR: Just like the Connext network, participants of the Contributor Program build bridges to individuals and teams from different ecosystems in the crypto space to show them why Connext is the next paradigm shift for an interoperable Web3.


Hooray 🎉 You’re interested in the Builder Track! Let's get started with showing you what this track is all about, who would be a great fit for this path, and where this exciting road will take you. In the following sections, you’ll learn more about the Contributor Program as well as the Builder Track.

<aside> 📢 Be sure to join Connext's official Discord server to receive updates about the Builder track: https://discord.gg/connext, you can find us in the channel #builder-track


What is the Contributor Program all about?

The Contributor Program is a way for leaders in the community to step up and help push Connext forward in different ways. Connext’s official announcement gives you a detailed explanation of what the Contributor Program is. Here’s a summary:

The Connext Contributor Program is a community program that allows community members of different backgrounds and skillsets to take leadership positions within the community and to contribute in helping Connext realize its vision.

<aside> đź’ˇ The Connext Contributor Program is operated by leaders of the Connext community who will be attributing points based on the quality of submissions from contributors. When the NEXT token goes live, the community will submit a DAO proposal to retroactively reward all program participants so that committed community members can get rewarded for their ongoing work.


Overview of the Builder Track

Builders will focus on building, obviously. We have a keen interest in producing technical content that can support, educate, and inspire other developers in the broader ecosystem.

This kind of technical content can take various forms, including but not limited to: sample code, full-fledged integrations with other protocols, technical write-ups describing parts of the system architecture, and presentations that can be used to inform different audiences about Connext.

Builders have a unique power to scale up other developers in this space. Let’s leverage your skills to build toward a future where cross-chain interactions are a first-party characteristic of decentralized applications. And let’s make cross-chain development simple and fun!

Who is a great fit for the Builder Track?

This track has an inherent dependency on technical capabilities but any interested participant has the potential to contribute. This space is still relatively young so whether you’re a seasoned Solidity developer or you’ve got just a bit of Web2 development experience, we encourage you to apply!

Where will the Builder Track take me?

You’ll grow to be a subject matter expert on Connext and cross-chain bridging in general. Your contributions will be used by other amazing projects to build on top of and your work will be highly visible in the space.

Track mentors

Your mentors for this track are Eddie, z80, Max, and Coinhippo. We will be onboarding you into the program and will assign tasks to you if necessary. But most important of all, the three of us will be available if you have any kind of question about the program.

Program expectations and rewards